Sandy Snow graduated from The University of Texas in Austin with a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Education from Texas Woman’s University. She is a former elementary teacher, Reading Specialist for the Education Service Center, Region XI, and district Coordinator for Title 1, ESL/Bilingual and Language Arts. Sandy also served as a Director of Professional Learning in two school districts for over 20 years where her responsibilities included designing and implementing job-embedded learning.
In May of 2013, she established Snow Vance and Associates Inc. and later Sandy Snow and Associates, Inc. which specializes in formative assessment for Systemic, Systematic, and Sustained student success. She presents throughout the United States at conferences and works particularly with districts in Texas for deep implementation of formative assessment principles and practices. Sandy has been recognized as “Outstanding Staff Developer of the Year” by her peers in the Learning Forward Texas organization formerly known as the Texas Staff Development Council as well as served with honor as its President and board member.
Sandy offers a variety of workshops in the area of formative assessment: district implementation with campus teams, curriculum writing, leadership development, and new teacher training.
Sandy and her sweetheart, Fred, enjoy working together in formative assessment as well as attending University of Texas football games, nurturing six grandchildren, growing flowers that endure the Texas heat, scuba diving and playing golf. (Fred has game. Sandy is still a “hacker.”)
Working with people, Sandy is known for her humor, her ability to make complex principles understood and easily implemented, and her ability to keep everyone actively engaged while loving to learn.